Sun Cert - Accredited ISO Certifications, Professional Training, Naval Technical Inspections
RENAR accredited International Certification Body for Management Systems (accreditation certificate available on; which carries out certification activities in Romania, Italy and Bulgaria. The certifications granted by SUN CERT in the RENAR accredited system are recognized in the international economic environment! If you are undecided in selecting the certification body, we specify the SUN CERT principles, principles that make the difference, as an argument for you in making the decision:
The pricing policy is fair, transparent and impartial for all customers;
The SUN CERT staff - qualified, competent and impartial - evaluates compliance with the requirements of the reference standard and guides the client towards the identification of improvement potentials, bringing added value within the audited organization;
The planning of the audit dates is done in perfect accordance with the organization's requirements and availability;
SUN CERT policies and practices ensure full confidentiality of the information and data provided by the audited organizations.